Karlskrona Waters, I Remember
Karlskrona Waters, I Remember.
Arriving North, from South, East and West;
Remembering past times, sharing a quest.
On trains, on planes, from near and far
Across the seas, over oceans, connecting
I remember, we remember; September.
Landing, living, loving, learning.
Karlskrona. The waters, everywhere.
Sea, bay, shore, marsh, inlet, island,
Silver mirrors of strong sunlight, dancing diamond night light,
Chameleon waters under changing light.
I remember
From afar, shimmering waters, by times
Sun splashed, ice cold, becalmed, storm tossed,
Cold bleached colours, frozen harbour waters,
The waters,
Holding, hiding, healing, hinting,
Mysterious mists, magical myths,
Memories held, deep and safe in quiet waters.
My memories, our memories,
Shared memories connecting and connected
Waters connecting and connected
I remember
From Ireland’s wide Atlantic shore,
Remembering now, Connecting now,
Reaching in, reaching out, from my blood stream across oceans waves,
Gossamer threads of living connections,
Pulsing through rivers, streams, falling as raindrops,
Water’s world wide web carries my memories
Arms out-stretched, eyes closed, senses open,
Along water’s secret pathways,
I reach
To homes, to hearts, to you
Living, loving,
Softly now, breathe, feel, connect, remember
I remember