Social business, people connecting, community enterprise,

Opportunities for Social Business

At the Clann Credo “Common Cents” conference in Dublin on March 28th, Emmanuel Vallens of the Single Market Policy unit spoke about the development of the new Social Business Initiative

Bulb is a sign for an idea!

Training ‘green’ entrepreneurs

SustainEd is delighted to have won a contract with the Ballymun/WhitehallPartnership to work with ‘green’ entrepreneurs on their strategic and business planning. The work is part of a long term incubation project that supports entrepreneurs in developing their business ideas into profitable enterprises.

What is Conscious Capitalism?

This article is reproduced from the website Definition of Conscious Capitalism derived from Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Conscious Capitalism is a registered trademark of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Conscious Capitalism Conscious Capitalism is an emerging form of capitalism that holds the potential for enhancing business/organisational performance while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life for billions of […]

Leadership and Connections

Paying Attention to the Inside as well as the Outside Conscious leaders or conscious practitioners create an inspiring environment for others, be they employees, partners, team members. This allows people to blossom as working professionals and as human beings, enabling them to contribute their best, to build trust and elicit genuine engagement. To be able […]

Contact Us

Registered Office: Ballyogan, Graig-na-Managh, Co. Kilkenny. Ireland Tel: +353 (0)87 4187 082 Email:

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SustainED principal has started a Facebook page called The Sustainable Self which you might find interesting, please click on the link below. Victor’s Linked In page can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

