A disconnected environmentalist?

In some ways I feel like a disconnected environmentalist. I really like walking in the woods, I enjoy a beach especially on a stormy day and I believe we are doing a great job at destroying the natural environment

Category: Uncategorized · Tags:

Give us this day our daily bread……

Give us this day our daily bread….. In deepening my work around sustainability, I find that I need a daily practice routine that is a ‘time out’ to help ground myself in a busy schedule. I have never found meditation engaging enough to become a steady habit. I do like food though

Category: Uncategorized · Tags:

Interview with Bernie Connolly

Bernie Connolly; Development Co-ordinator, Cork Environmental Forum  Getting Started. Bernie traces her interest in environmental matters to her upbringing in Glengariff. Her family didn’t have a car and so walking and being in nature were an integral part of growing up

Category: Sustainability 2.0 · Tags:

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Registered Office: Ballyogan, Graig-na-Managh, Co. Kilkenny. Ireland Tel: +353 (0)87 4187 082 Email: victor@sustained.ie

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