Shared value – Sharing Values – a must for sustainable business
A more sustainable future will require that we devise ways of developing and sharing value. Many of the problems we face are not ones that can be addressed by an organisation on its own. We hear a lot of talk now about stakeholders
Opportunities for Social Business
At the Clann Credo “Common Cents” conference in Dublin on March 28th, Emmanuel Vallens of the Single Market Policy unit spoke about the development of the new Social Business Initiative
Intentional Collaboration
Exploring the potential of diverse talent connecting in the process of generating new models for change, working together around shared visions blending economic viability with improved work practice. The end result which may yet need to be clarified or quantified is that of becoming smarter, more effective and achieving goals faster though value exchange. Collaboration is more about a way of working rather than a focus on ‘what we do’.
2…4…6…8…Why should we Collaborate?
It seems that everyone is talking about collaboration these days. A recent edition of the Harvard Business Review was a double issue, focussing on collaboration. What is this fuss all about? People have been collaborating for years, surely. Businesses have had close working relationships with suppliers and customers for many years. The world of business […]
What is Conscious Capitalism?
This article is reproduced from the website Definition of Conscious Capitalism derived from Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Conscious Capitalism is a registered trademark of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Conscious Capitalism Conscious Capitalism is an emerging form of capitalism that holds the potential for enhancing business/organisational performance while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life for billions of […]