Private ethics and public conflicts
Recently a senior civil servant who was chief of shareholder investment section in the Department of Finance left his position to take up a new job. He was in charge of the Department’s (the public’s) policy and enforcement of the banking regulations and agreements. His new job however, is with the Bank of Ireland,
Business Ethics
SustainEd duo Victor and Tim have been asked to deliver a module on Business Ethics within the American College’s International Business degree programme. The course will be held over this coming semester and is allied to their existing module on Sustainable Business which they have been running for the past six years. The role of business […]
Shared value – Sharing Values – a must for sustainable business
A more sustainable future will require that we devise ways of developing and sharing value. Many of the problems we face are not ones that can be addressed by an organisation on its own. We hear a lot of talk now about stakeholders
What is Conscious Capitalism?
This article is reproduced from the website Definition of Conscious Capitalism derived from Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Conscious Capitalism is a registered trademark of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Conscious Capitalism Conscious Capitalism is an emerging form of capitalism that holds the potential for enhancing business/organisational performance while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life for billions of […]
Leadership and Connections
Paying Attention to the Inside as well as the Outside Conscious leaders or conscious practitioners create an inspiring environment for others, be they employees, partners, team members. This allows people to blossom as working professionals and as human beings, enabling them to contribute their best, to build trust and elicit genuine engagement. To be able […]