Shared value – Sharing Values – a must for sustainable business
A more sustainable future will require that we devise ways of developing and sharing value. Many of the problems we face are not ones that can be addressed by an organisation on its own. We hear a lot of talk now about stakeholders
A recession or a crisis?
There is a real difficulty in starting a business in Ireland right now. The almost complete sense of hopelessness that persists across all sectors of society. There is a sense that the answer is no! No matter what the question is. This comes from the top, the lack of leadership,
Quality and Sustainability
There are some similarities between the introduction of Quality Systems into the workplace and the development of Sustainability. When the idea of quality was first introduced it was the remit of the production department and only later did it spread across all departments and become part of the way that business is done. Currently, sustainability is […]
Natural Capitalism – a book review
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. (1999) Hawkens, P. Lovins, A. Lovins, H. Published by Little Brown & Company. Natural Capitalism is a book published in 1999 that was co-authored by Paul Hawkens, Amory & Hunter Lovins. It was a best seller and very influential book that popularised the idea that the current […]